
​In accordance with the Firearms Safety Act of 2013, the Maryland State Police have developed a web accessible Licensing Portal where citizens will submit, and Maryland firearms dealers will process, firearms applications.  The Portal is a web ‘dashboard’ that provides citizens the ability to submit and track multiple application types.  It gives firearms dealers the ability to access and submit 77R applications to MSP on behalf of their customers, and MSP Licensing Division the ability to receive, process and report on multiple application types via a single system.  

If you have any questions, please contact Licensing Division at:  msp.automation@maryland.gov​​

For HQL training we like to work with Qualified Handgun Instructors:


                   MODERN DEFENSE SOLUTIONS:              
                   DALE HURT                                                                  HQL: 4 Hour  Course
                    for Maryland HQL, CCW, & Security Guard Permits            Women's Classes
                    Utah & Florida CCW                                                            Certified Pistol Course & Shotgun Course
                    Phone: (410) 463-0514                                                       Certified Home Firearm Safety
                    Email: dale.c.hurt@gmail.com                                             Personal Protection in the Home
                    Tri-County Areas, Call For A Appointments 

Fingerprinting Services:

      INQUIRIES, INC.                                             Walk in hours: Mon & Tue 9am-4pm

           8707 Commerce Dr. Ste. A                                 Appt Only: Wed-Fri 9am-4pm

           Easton, MD 21601

          (866) 987-3767

For more reference, that will walk you through start to finish on the Maryland HQL process (links below):

Direct Link:     Maryland State Police HQL Page
                        Fingerprinting Service Providers

Maryland HQL Information
As of October 1, 2013, a Maryland Resident must possess a valid Handgun Qualification License (HQL) before he/she may purchase, rent, or receive a handgun. You do not need am HQL to own a gun you already have. A HQL is valid for 10 years once issued.
Who is EXEMPT from a HQL?
Those exempt from needing an HQL are active law enforcement officers or a person retired in good standing from a law enforcement agency of the United States (DC Metro Police Are Not Exempt), the State of Maryland, or a local enforcement agency in the State of Maryland.
An active or retired member of the United States Armed Forces or National Guard that possesses a Valid Military Identification Card.
Required to have HQL, but EXEMPT from training component:
Someone  who has completed a firearms safety training course approved by the Secretary of the Dept. of Maryland State Police, DNR hunter safety course certificate may be used in lieu of qualified handgun instruction, currently a qualified handgun instructor, Honorable discharged member of the Armed Forces of the United States or National Guard, an employee of an Armored Car Company who has a MSP issued handgun permit, or lawfully owns a regulated firearm purchased in the State of Maryland prior to 2013 and is still in your possession. (you will use the serial number off your gun as proof when you register for the HQL online)
Steps to Obtain a HQL:

  1. You will need to take a MD approved HQL Handgun Safety Course unless you meet any of the exemptions. 

  2. You will also need to get your fingerprints submitted electronically to the Maryland State Police. The fingerprint processor will provide you a tracking number that will be used when you register for the HQL online.

  3. When steps 1 & 2 are complete, create an account on the Maryland State Police web portal:  https://emdsp.mdsp.org/egov/Login.aspx 

Enter all required information, HQL class certificate and fingerprint tracking numbers. Completed applications take about 2-4 weeks to process and become active. You will be mailed your license in 7-19 after receiving an approval email. You must present your physical HQL license to Complete handgun paperwork.  

HQL Questions or Issues?
Please contact the Maryland State Police Firearms Division: 410-653-4621
Be sure to come back to Black Anchor for all your Firearm needs!
410-479-9316    www.blackanchorarmory.com - blackanchorarmory@gmail.com